Archivo mensual: marzo 2012


So, our dear friends. This blog is getting to the end of its life. But it has been a nice experience! At the beginning of this assignment that was given to us, we took it like another work we had … Seguir leyendo

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Dynamic Tidal Power

No. I’m not planning on talking about how much we all feel like being right now in summer vacation. Neither am I going to talk about beaches. Not even about the wonderful city we live in! Just want you to … Seguir leyendo

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Saudi Arabia in Europe?

Following the line of previous posts in this one I write about another way of taking advantage of tidal power, by the method of Tidal Stream Generator. First, we have to consider that the motion of a sea tide causes … Seguir leyendo

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Tidal Barrages

As Jon mentioned on his previous post, there are three ways of generating electric energy from tides (one of them only works theoretically). In today´s post, we are going to talk about the most common one: tidal barrages.  Usually they … Seguir leyendo

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Tidal power

Up till now, we have mainly talked about wave power, osmotic power and ocean thermal energy power. All of them consist in obtaining energy from the sea, be it by the power of the waves, the difference of salinity between … Seguir leyendo

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Eleven days in Cuba

In 1929 a yacht called ‘Jamaica’ travelled the whole length of the coast of Cuba. People that saw it could not know that thanks to the person who was in that yacht the first experiment about Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion … Seguir leyendo

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Hybrid Cycle OTEC

After having explained two of the procedures to get electric power from ocean´s thermal gradient, you may be wondering… where is the need of a third one? Well, the hybrid cycle combines the best characteristics of the previously shown processes … Seguir leyendo

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Open cycle OTEC

Following the recent posts, we are going to follow our research with the OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) devices. Last post, Mikel wrote about the closed cycle OTEC. Well, the open cycle process relies on the same thermodynamic theory: A … Seguir leyendo

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The vision of Jules Verne

Everybody knows that the famous French novelist Jules Verne was able to predict a large number of inventions and discoveries unknown in his time. In his book Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Jules Verne predicted the Ocean Thermal Energy conversion, when a character of the novel, Captain Nemo, alluded to … Seguir leyendo

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Ocean thermal power

Today, we are going to provide a general overview of what is ocean thermal energy and its basis. On forthcoming posts, we will continue talking about the technology it is relied on, its importance nowadays and whether it is an … Seguir leyendo

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